New Climber:

Register to Climb

Registered Climber:


Forgot your username or password?


What is the difference between the Team Challenge event and the Public Climb and Youth Groups?
The Public Climb is being held the morning of Saturday, April 27. This event is for recreational climbers and can accommodate large group registrations. Each participant must collect and submit a minimum of $75 in pledges on or before the event day to climb. Incentive prizes are awarded for various fundraising levels above the minimum amount.

The Team Challenge is being held on the evening of Thursday, April 25. A team consists of 4 to 7 climbers. Each team of climbers must submit a minimum donation of $250 per climber. The Team Challenge is a competitive climb, both in terms of fundraising and climb speed. Incentive prizes are awarded for fastest teams and various fundraising levels as a team and at individual levels.

Looking for Team Challenge?

The climb for Youth Groups is on Saturday April 27, 2013. This event is designed to help organize groups of 10 or more youth and accommodate registration of the group. Each participant must pay a $25 registration fee and fundraise a minimum of $75. For questions about Youth Groups you can contact Kamil Alam at 416-489-8800 ext. 7336 or at


How do I register for the 23rd Annual Canada Life CN Tower Climb for WWF-Canada?
Register for the event of your choice, by clicking on either the PUBLIC CLIMB (Sat. April 27) or the TEAM CHALLENGE (Thurs. April 25) button at Click on 'REGISTER to climb' button (on the side menu). You will be guided through the registration process. Required fields are marked with an asterisk; please make sure to fill out all required information. Check out our Registration FAQ if you require additional help.


Is there a Registration Fee for the Public Climb?
There is a $25 registration to participate in the Climb. The registration fee is non-refundable, non-transferable, does not apply toward the fundraising commitment, and it is not tax deductible. In addition to this, each participant must collect and submit a minimum of $75 in pledges on or before the event day to climb. Payments can be made by Amex, MasterCard and Visa.

Can I carry anything with me while climbing?
No. This is a HANDS FREE event. This is in order to ensure climber safety. Therefore all items MUST be left at the free coat check in the Atrium or with friends before heading towards the Tower. Volunteers and/or CN Tower staff cannot hold personal items for climbers.

  • This is a HANDS FREE climbing event.
  • Climbers are NOT permitted to carry anything up the stairwell including water bottles, camel packs, backpacks, cell phones, BlackBerry devices, digital cameras, MP3 players, iPhone, iPod, other portable music devices or infants/children.
  • Hydrating stations will be provided just before climbing and a bottle of water will be provided to each climber as they exit the stairwell.
  • Fanny packs will be permitted for the purposes of carrying identification and keys ONLY.
  • Backpacks/other items should be left at home or placed in coat check in the Atrium.
  • Listening to music through any portable music device is not permissible while climbing the CN Tower.
  • All climbers must wear proper athletic shoes. Climbers will not be allowed to climb in sandals, crocs or other inappropriate footwear.
Where is the CN Tower Climb located?
The Canada Life CN Tower Climb for WWF-Canada begins in the Rogers Centre at Gate 8. All climbers must check-in, sign the waiver and obtain a security wrist band and a time card in the Rogers Centre before they climb.

What time does the Public Climb begin?
The climb begins at 6:00 am on Saturday, April 27, 2013. All climbers must arrive and be checked in before 10:00 am in order to climb.

Can I register on the day of the Climb?
Yes, you can register on the morning of the Climb if you check in before 10:00 am. Remember space is limited, so it will depend on availability. Bring your $25 registration fee and your MINIMUM $75 PLEDGE and any other pledges that you have collected. Or register online and gain valuable fundraising tools. To aid in a speedy check-in on the day-of, we recommend registering online and submitting all donations online before 7:00 a.m. on Friday, April 26, 2013.

Can children climb the tower?
Climbers under 12 years of age must be at least 42 inches (107 cm) tall and accompanied by a registered adult climber during their climb.

Where can climbers pick up their fundraising prizes?
An indicator will be placed on your time card during check-in if you are eligible for a fundraising incentive prize. Prizes will be available in the Rogers Centre and must be picked up after you complete the climb.

Who receives a WWF-Canada event t-shirt?
All climbers are entitled to a free event t-shirt that will be available after you complete the climb in the Rogers Centre.

Why are there numbers written on my time card/punchcard?
The numbers written on the time card are climber/confirmation numbers. The climber/confirmation numbers will be posted, with climber time results, after event day on this website. If you register ahead of time you'll also be able to view your results by searching for just your name.

What is the best way for people to sponsor my climb?
Online donations are by far the best method. Our website is secure and your donors will have access to their e-receipts within five business days. Your personal page will register your new donation as soon as it has been made online. You can download the CN Tower Climb app for your smartphone and have sponors make donations directly to the app.

Why do we distribute water bottles?
This is our 23rd year in partnership with the CN Tower hosting and coordinating this very successful fundraising event for WWF-Canada. The participation for our climb grows every year and our number one priority is the health and safety of our climbers.
Historically, allowing climbers to carry bottled water in secured fanny packs has resulted in,
  • Spilled water on the steps, seeing overflow falling on the climbers below
  • Dropped water bottles and caps, falling on climbers below
Due to the ongoing and critical safety concerns for our climbers, this change in policy was necessary.

As such, we will be providing;
  • a hydrating station on the pathway prior to approaching the CN Tower, and
  • a water station located on the Glass Floor at the end of the climb
  • additional recycling receptacles throughout the event site which allow climbers to properly dispose of their water bottles in a manner which is in keeping with our mission.
Using bottled water at the top of CN Tower is the only logistical way, at this time, by which we can provide over 6,400 climbers with hydration at both the Team Challenge and Public climb events.

At the base of the Tower, we use HTO to go water trailer to hydrate our climbers provided to all climbers in biodegradable cups, instead of using water bottles,

Our Sustainability @ Work Committee is always striving to reduce our event footprint and these measures reflect our commitment to saving the environment


Need a pledge form?
Download a pledge form

Fundraising Tips
Check out our Quick Fundraising Tips.

What is the best way for people to sponsor my climb?
Online donations are by far the best method. Our website is secure and your donors will have access to their e-receipts within five business days. Your personal page will register your new donation as soon as it has been made online.

What do I do with cash donations?
Do not mail cash donations. If you receive cash donations, write a cheque payable to WWF-Canada to cover the amount. Be sure to attach the pledge form with the correct contact information and amounts so that each donor is receipted accurately. Alternatively, you can enter the pledges onto your website using your sponsors personal information and email address and you pay for this donation using your credit card. This way, your sponsor will receive their tax receipt and all of your fundraising will be tracked online.

What amount do they have to donate to get a tax receipt?
All donations of $20 or more will get receipted. Upon special request a tax receipt for a smaller amount can be issued. Please ensure complete addresses are included and that the writing is legible.

What should I do if one of my donors has not received a tax receipt?
E-mail us at or call 1-800-26-PANDA (72632).

Is there a minimum I must raise in order to participate in the climb?
All climbers must collect and submit at least $75 in pledges.

Why fundriase more than $75?
WWF is pleased to offer fundraising inventive prizes for climbers who fundraise above and beyond the minimum. Prizes start for climbers who raise $100 or more!

Offline Donations
You can write a cheque to cover the cash donations you receive. Make cheques payable to "WWF-Canada". When mailing in donations or when submitting them on the day of the climb, you can write one cheque to cover all donations. Don't forget to include all donors' mailing addresses on your pledge form if they've made a donation of $20 or more. This gives us the correct information to send them their tax receipt.

Mailing Address:
245 Eglinton Ave. East, Suite 410
Toronto, ON M4P 3J1

Alternatively, you can enter the pledges onto your website using your sponsors personal information and email address and you pay for this donation using your credit card. This way, your sponsor will receive their tax receipt and all of your fundraising will be tracked online.

Online Fundraiser's Guide
Your fundraising dashboard is a tool designed to help you manage your online fundraising. You can personalize your website, send e-mails to ask for donations and track activity on your site.

Your Website's Address
In order to easily check out your personal fundraising site, send yourself an e-mail through the system. This e-mail will include a link to your WWF-Canada fundraising page. Click on the link and bookmark it for future visits.

Logging In
To login to your fundraising dashboard, enter your Username and Password in the side menu that you created when you registered. If you've forgotten your login info, click the "Forgotten Password" link on the side menu.

My Activity Log
This page allows you to manage your whole fundraising campaign. You can manage e-mails by viewing who has received your e-mail, who has not yet opened it, who has not yet donated and who needs to be thanked.

My Web Page
You can customize & personalize your fundraising website with photos, a progress thermometer and personal messages.

Send E-mail
You can solicit donations from this page. Login to your dashboard and e-mail someone from your fundraising address book or add one new person to your address book so you can send them an e-mail. To add more than one person at a time to your address book, click the Address book button on the site and follow the instructions below (see Address Book below).

Once your recipients have been chosen, you can personalize your message. You can also preview your message or press "Send".

Social Media
The easiest way to let your friends and family know about your fundraising goal is to share your fundraising link on your Facebook page or twitter feed, Let them know you are climbing the CN Tower for WWF-Canada and you need their support.

Send Thanks
Your donors automatically receive a thank you from WWF-Canada confirming their donation. However, you can also send a personalized thank you e-mail.

Address Book
You can import your personal address book in order to make fundraising quick and easy. Click on the "Import Contact" button and follow the instructions. If you have any problems, click the "Help" button.

If you have a lot of contacts, you may want to send them e-mails from your regular e-mail account. Before you do this, send yourself a fundraising e-mail through the system. Once you receive this e-mail you can forward it on to everyone in your regular address book since this e-mail will include a link to your personal fundraising website. E-mail recipients will be able to click on this address and make a donation directly to your climb campaign.


How do I register for the 23rd Annual Canada Life CN Tower Climb for WWF-Canada?
Register for the event of your choice, by clicking on either the PUBLIC CLIMB (Sat. April 27) or the TEAM CHALLENGE (Thurs. April 25) button at Click on the Register to Climb button (on the side menu). You will be guided through the registration process.

If you would like to climb with a group of 10 children or youth on the day of the Public Climb, please contact our Youth Group Coordinator, Kamil Alam, at or 416-489-4567 ext. 7336 for assistance. Kamil will set you up with a Youth Group registration page.

What is the difference between the Team Challenge event and the Public Climb?
The Public Climb is being held the morning of Saturday, April 27. This event is for recreational climbers and can accommodate large youth group registrations. Each participant must collect and submit a minimum of $75 in pledges on or before the event day to climb.

The Team Challenge is being held on the evening of Thursday, April 25. A team consists of 4 – 7 climbers. Each team of climbers must submit a minimum donation of $250 per climber. The Team Challenge is a competitive climb, both in terms of fundraising and climb speed.

Is there a Registration Fee for the Public Climb?
There is a $25 registration fee this year for the Public Climb. In addition to this, each participant must collect and submit a minimum of $75 in pledges on or before the event day to climb. Payments can be made by Amex, MasterCard and Visa.

How secure is this site?
Our site is secured by 128-bit encryption, the highest level of protection widely used today, to protect all your Internet communications including credit card use and personal information submission. Your web browser will encrypt information automatically when connected to a secure server, evidenced by an address beginning with https. The server decrypts the text upon its arrival, but as the information travels between computers, interception of the transmission will not be fruitful to anyone "listening in". They would only see unreadable gibberish.

What is a Username?
The Username is your unique user ID. This is the name you will use to login to fundraise and track your progress.

Can I add a New Individual at the same time as registering myself for the climb?
No. You must complete your own registration in full before registering someone else. Once registration is complete you will be forwarded to your own dashboard. You are then free to Logout and then select Register to climb and register a new climber. You must go through the entire process again.

How do I change my contact information?
You can change your contact information online by logging into the site and clicking the Edit Profile link in the top right-hand corner of the dashboard. Please call to change your personal information at 416-484-7700 Monday to Friday between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

I've already registered, how do I login?
Enter your username and password in the Registered Climber section located in the right hand column of any page. Check out our Login/Personal Web Page FAQ if you require additional help.

What if I do not receive confirmation of my registration?
If you do not receive a confirmation email from WWF-Canada to verify that you have successfully registered for the event, double check the email address that you provided. Contact WWF at 416-489-8800 or

What does WWF use my personal information for, including my email address?
WWF-Canada will use the information gathered for the purpose of processing event registration, issuing tax receipts (as applicable), providing periodic conservation updates and opportunities to support the mission. We will not use your personal information for any other purposes, without your further consent.


Why donate to WWF-Canada?
WWF-Canada is part of the global conservation network.

  • WWF works to protect the world's biodiversity, conserve critical habitats and address global threats like climate change
  • WWF finds long-term solutions that benefit both people and nature
  • Using the best available scientific knowledge, we work to preserve the diversity and abundance of life in Canada and around the world
  • You'll feel great about what you're doing for the world
  • WWF seeks to reduce the ecological footprint left by humans
  • Donations of $20 or more are tax receiptable
  • Roughly 80 cents on every dollar goes to conservation. The remainder is carefully spent on administration and fundraising needs
Steps to donate:

STEP 1: Search for a friend to donate to. Enter all or part of the name you are searching for and click Search. If you want to search the full list of registered fundraisers, leave the text box empty and click Search.

STEP 2: From the search list, click the name of the person you want to donate to. This will take you to their WWF-Canada fundraiser page. Click the big green donation button on their site to start the donation process.

STEP 3: On the donation form, enter your contact information, complete your credit card information and click the Donate Now button.

STEP 4: Your donation will be processed and you will receive an e-mail acknowledging your donation.

STEP 5: You will receive your e-receipt within five business days.

Search for someone to sponsor!

What to do if you can't find a climber using the search?
Double check that you're searching in the right climb. WWF-Canada has two climbs (held on two different days), a Team Challenge and a Public Climb. If you can't find the climber you're looking for, try the other climb or check with your friend to ensure they registered online.

What is the best way for people to sponsor a climber?
Online donations are by far the best method. Our website is secure and donations are e-receipted within five business days. The climbers personal page will recognize your donation as soon as it has been made online. Donating on-line is quick, easy, secure and saves the environment by reducing waste and administration time.

What do I do with cash donations?
Do not mail cash donations. If you would like to make a cash donation, please submit cash or cheque directly to the climber. If you are writing a cheque to cover the amount make it out to WWF-Canada and mail it directly to our offices with a note with the name and address of the climber you are sponsoring.

Mailing Address:
245 Eglinton Ave East, Suite 410,
Toronto, ON M4P 3J1

What amount do I need to donate to get a tax receipt?
All donations of $20 or more will get receipted. Upon special request a tax receipt for a smaller amount can be issued. Please ensure that your complete e-mail address and complete mailing address is included with the donation.

How will I obtain my tax receipts?
Online donations will be issued with an e-receipt within five business days of a successful transaction. Please make sure you've provided us with a valid e-mail address. Offline donations will be receipted by mail, by June 30, 2013.

What should I do if I have not received a tax receipt?
E-mail us at or call 1-800-26PANDA (72632).

How secure is this site?
Our site is secured by 128-bit encryption, the highest level of protection widely used today, to protect all your Internet communications including credit card use and personal information submission. Your web browser will encrypt information automatically when connected to a secure server, evidenced by an address beginning with https. The server decrypts the text upon its arrival, but as the information travels between computers, interception of the transmission will not be fruitful to anyone "listening in." They would only see unreadable gibberish.

What does WWF use my personal information for, including my email address?
WWF-Canada will use the information gathered for the purpose of issuing tax receipts (as applicable), providing periodic conservation updates and opportunities to support the mission. We will not use your personal information for any other purposes, without your further consent.


If I make a donation to myself (self sponsor) will I receive a tax receipt and be eligible for fundraising prizes as well?
In compliance with CRA guidelines, if you choose to receive a benefit for your donation, as is the case of fundraising prizes you may not be eligible for a tax receipt. To ensure that you are eligible for fundraising prizes and receive a tax receipt, please donate to another climber.

What are some examples of receiving fundraising prizes for self sponsorship and being eligible for a tax receipt?
  • When the self donation is below $1,000 and does not qualify for fundraising prizes greater than $75, a receipt for the full donation amount is issued. This meets the CRA requirement of the benefit received being less than or equal to 10% of the donated amount, and being less than or equal to $75.
  • For a climber who self donates $1,000 and would like to receive the $100 level fundraising prize or incentive, the $100 value is deducted from the receiptable amount, and a tax receipt for $900 is issued.
  • For a climber who self donates $1,000 and would like to receive a tax receipt for the full amount, the fundraising prize is capped at the $75 value (the advantage being less than 10% of the gift amount and less than and equal to $75)
Please note: Fundraising prizes worth $100 and over will not be awarded at the event but will be mailed to climbers shortly after.


Why login into this site?
When you register online for the climb you are asked for a user id and password. These allow you to login to your dashboard and modify your personal web page as well as send fundraising e-mail requests to your networks.

What do I do if I forget my password or user ID?
On all login pages a Forgotten Password link is found. If you can't remember your user ID please call our CN Tower Climb direct line at 416-484-7700 or e-mail

Logging In
To login to your fundraising dashboard, enter your Username and Password in the side menu that you created when you registered. If you've forgotten your login info, click the "Forgotten Password" link on the side menu.

What is a dashboard?
The dashboard is an easy to use tool for you to track your fundraising progress. You can create a Personal Page (web page), invite people to visit your Personal Page, sponsor you, see who's sponsored you, thank your sponsors and enter pledges you've received in person. Check out the Fundraising FAQ for info on how to use the dashboard.

What is a Personal Web Page?
A Personal Page is a page you customize and ask your friends and family to visit when soliciting donations. Once you register, by default you will have a Personal Page created for you. You have the option of personalizing the image, text and layout on your page. You do this by logging in to this site and making selections/changes from your dashboard.

Do I have to use and edit my Personal Page?
Once you register online you will have a standard Personal Page. You can choose to change it and personalize it with photos and messages to inspire those driven to your page to sponsor you.

Your Personal Website's Address
In order to easily check out your personal fundraising site, send yourself an e-mail through the system (see "Send Email" in the Fundraising FAQ). This e-mail will include a link to your WWF-Canada fundraising page. Click on the link and bookmark it for future visits.

How do I change my personal fundraising goal?
Your personal fundraising goal is found on your dashboard, to change this simply overwrite the value in the box and click on update.

How can I see who has sponsored me?
On your Dashboard you will find My Progress Summary, click on View my Activity log for a detailed list of sponsorships, pledges and solicitations.

How can I see who's on my team?
On your dashboard there's a link to My Team which will take you to your team page or you can select View My Team under My Team's Progress.

How do I upload a photo to add to my personal page?
Click on the Browse button in the photo section, then select the photo you would like on your page. You can upload up to three images in either .jpg or .gif format and are a maximum of 150Kb in size.

How do I get friends/family to sponsor me in the climb?

  1. You can send them an e-mail with a link back to your page included. (see the Fundraising FAQ for info on how to send e-mails through your dashboard)
  2. Use Social Media like facebook and twitter to share the link to your fundraising page. Share updates with your networks on the status of your fundraising and training to get them engaged and encourage them to donate to your climb.
  3. Or they can visit the Canada Life CN Tower Climb for WWF-Canada home page ( and click on the Sponsor a climber button. They can then search for your name to find your personal page.
How do I send a personalized e-mail to potential sponsors?
We've created a template to help you get started. On your Dashboard you will find an icon that says SEND EMAIL. Click on this icon and follow the steps provided to personalize the e-mail.

Edit Your Profile
If you require assistance please email us at or call us at 416-484-7700 or toll free at 1-800-26-PANDA (72632).

Click here for Pledge Form.
Click here for Climb Poster.
Click here for Fundraising Tips.
Click here for Event Day Checklist and Map.

Need Help?

(416) 484-7700

Toll Free:
1(800) 26 PANDA


© All photos, graphics and images on this site remain the copyright of WWF, unless otherwise noted,
and should not be downloaded without prior permission. © 2011 WWF-Canada;

© 1986 Panda symbol WWF-World Wide Fund For Nature (also known as World Wildlife Fund); ® "WWF"
and "living planet" are WWF Registered Trademarks.