If you have any questions that are not answered in this FAQ regarding the Climbless Climb; please contact our Climbless Climb Coordinator, Kathryn Busch at kbusch@wwfcanada.org or 416-484-7700.
Climbless Climb FAQs
How do I register for the Canada Life CN Tower Climbless Climb for WWF-Canada?
Register for this event by going to
wwf.ca/cntower and clicking on
Climbless Climb. From here, click the
Register button on the left-hand side menu; you will be guided through the registration process. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*); please make sure to fill out all required information.
Check out our Registration FAQs if you require additional help.
If you are unsure of which event is best for you, please contact our events team at 416-484-7700 or events@wwfcanada.org. We will be glad to assist you.
What is the Climbless Climb?
The Climbless Climb is an event for:
- Those who are not located in Toronto but still want to join a fun event to support WWF-Canada and our important conservation work.
- Those who cannot make it to the CN Tower on the event day due to scheduling or medical reasons.
- Those who love WWF-Canada, but feel they simply cannot climb the 1,776 steps of Canada's iconic (and tallest!) landmark
The Climbless Climb allows participants across Canada to register and show their love for WWF-Canada through their fundraising prowess. Participants can raise money while being a couch potato or come up with a fun athletic equivalent to do in their own city.
Participants who wish to do something physical in place of climbing the CN Tower can do so by making use of their own local landmarks or you can climb the 1,776 stairs elsewhere! Another option is to come up with what you think is an equivalent to climbing 1,776 steps in running or cycling and use smartphone apps like RunKeeper, Couch to 5K or Strava Cycling to track your progress to your goal.
Is there a registration fee for the Climbless Climb?
No, there is no registration fee for the Climbless Climb.
Participants who raise a minimum of $50 will receive an official WWF-Canada certificate of participation. All participants who fundraise $85 or more are also eligible for fundraising rewards!
How do I receive my fundraising rewards?
Fundraising rewards our way of saying thank you for your great fundraising hard work! These will be mailed out in May as our way of recognizing you for all of your support - on behalf of WWF, as well as all species at risk and the habitats they call home.
What is the best way for people to sponsor me?
Online donations are by far the best method. Our website is secure and your sponsors will have access to their e-receipts within five business days. Your personal fundraising page will register new donations as soon as they have been made online.
Fundraising FAQs
Need a pledge form?
Download a
pledge form.
Need fundraising tips?
Check out our Quick
fundraising tips.
What is the best way for people to sponsor me?
Online donations are by far the best method. Our website is secure and your sponsors will have access to their e-receipts within five business days. Your personal fundraising page will register new donations as soon as they have been made online.
What do I do with cash donations?
Do not mail cash donations!!
For cash (or cheques made out to you), simply donate to your own campaign and keep the cash. Go to your personal fundraising page and click the Donate Now button. During the donation process make sure to put in your sponsor's information and use your own credit card. By entering your sponsor's email address, they will get their tax receipt immediately.
For money orders or cheques (made payable to 'WWF-Canada'), you can mail in these donations with a pledge form to the address below.
- If you choose this option, WWF greatly appreciates if you log into your personal fundraising page on the left-hand menu. Once you are logged in, click Manage Cash and Cheques on the left-hand menu. From here you can enter your donor's information as a pledge, which shows all of your fundraising on your personal fundraising page (online and offline donations) and helps keep administrative costs down for WWF.
What amount do I have to donate to get a tax receipt?
All donations of $20 or more will get automatically receipted. Upon special request, a tax receipt for smaller amounts can be issued. Please ensure that complete addresses are included either online or on the pledge form and if submitting a pledge form please ensure the writing is legible.
Please contact WWF-Canada at 1-800-26-PANDA (72632) if you would like to receive a tax receipt for donations under $20.
What should I do if one of my sponsors has not received a tax receipt?
Please contact our events team at
events@wwfcanada.org or 1-800-26-PANDA (72632). We will be glad to assist you.
Why fundraise more than $50?
Every dollar you raise goes a long way to help WWF protect species at risk and the habitats they call home.
$50 will get you your official WWF-Canada certificate of participation in this event, but WWF is also pleased to offer fundraising rewards for participants who fundraise above and beyond. Fundraising rewards are available for participants who raise $85 or more!
Your personal fundraising page URL
In order to easily check out your personal fundraising page; send yourself an email through the system (using the steps below). This email will include a link to your personal fundraising page. Click on the link and bookmark it for future visits.
Once you login to your personal fundraising page, click Get Sponsors on the left-hand menu under Dashboard. Here there is an email section and WWF-Canada recommends sending this email message to yourself. This message includes your personal fundraising page URL and you can use this message to easily find it for future use and log ins.
How do I log in?
To login to your fundraising dashboard, go to
wwf.ca/cntower and choose
Climbless Climb. From here you can enter your username and password on the left-hand side menu. If you've forgotten your login information, don't worry! You can click the
Forgot your username or password? link just below where you sign in. Follow the instructions, and an email will be sent to you with your login information.
How do I get sponsors?
You can solicit donations by logging into your personal fundraising page and clicking on Get Sponsors on the left-hand menu under Dashboard. Here there is an email section and you can email someone from your fundraising address book or add a new person to your address book.
To add more than one person at a time to your address book, click the Address Book button (
) above the text box on the right side, from here you can import your contacts. Once your recipients have been chosen, you can personalize your message. You can also preview your message before you send it.
How do I publicize my participation to get sponsors?
Those who publicize their participation raise more money! WWF recommends you publicize it everywhere. Include it on your email signature. Post it on your personal website or blog if you have one. Post it on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Text it to your friends too! Remember; post it on your sites more than once! That way it will show up in your friends' newsfeeds often. Ask your friends to forward the link to their fans and followers too!
Say thank you to your donors
It is very important to thank your sponsors for supporting you. Make sure to personalize your thank you in an email or through social media. WWF will also send your sponsors a thank you email confirming their donation.
How do I use the address book?
You can import your personal address book to make fundraising quick and easy. Click
Get Sponsors on the left-hand menu under
Dashboard. From here you can click the
Address Book button (

) above the text box on the right side.
If you have a lot of contacts, you may want to send them emails from your personal email account instead. Before you do this, send yourself a fundraising email through the fundraising dashboard. Once you receive this email you can forward it on to everyone in your regular address book. This email will include a link to your personal fundraising page and your email recipients will be able to click on this to go directly to your personal fundraising page where they can sponsor you.
Registration FAQs
How do I register for the Canada Life CN Tower Climbless Climb for WWF-Canada?
Register for this event by going to
wwf.ca/cntower and choose
Climbless Climb. From here, click the Register button on the left-hand side menu; you will be guided through the registration process. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*); please make sure to fill out all required information.
Check out our Registration FAQs if you require additional help.
If you are unsure of which event is best for you, please contact our events team at 416-484-7700 or events@wwfcanada.org. We will be glad to assist you.
Is there a registration fee for the Climbless Climb?
No, there is no registration fee for the Climbless Climb.
Participants who raise a minimum of $50 will receive an official WWF-Canada certificate of participation. All participants who fundraise $85 or more are also eligible for fundraising rewards!
I registered for the Climbless Climb, but want to physically climb The CN Tower at the Public Climb instead.
We want you to have the best experience possible.
If you have registered for the Climbless Climb but now want to actually climb the CN Tower in the Public Climb on Saturday May 3rd, 2014, 6:00 am to 10:00am, and you have collected the minimum of $75 in fundraising per person, please let us know ahead of time by contacting our events team at events@wwfcanada.org or 416-484-7700. We will be glad to assist you.
Please note that you will be required to pay the $25 registration fee at the event (by cash, cheque, money order or credit card – Amex, MasterCard or Visa). Registration fees are non-refundable, non-receiptable and non-transferrable.
We will accommodate a special check-in on the day of the Public Climb to accommodate this request.
How secure is this site?
Our site is secured by 128-bit encryption - the highest level of protection widely used today - to protect all of your Internet communications, including credit card use and personal information. Your web browser will encrypt information automatically when it is connected to a secure server, evidenced by an address beginning with ‘https.' The server decrypts the text upon its arrival, but as the information travels between computers, interception of the transmission will not be fruitful to anyone who may be ‘listening in,' they would only see unreadable gibberish.
What is a username?
Your username is your unique identification. This is the name you will use to log in to your fundraising dashboard.
Can I add a new individual at the same time as registering myself for the event?
No. You must complete your own registration in full before registering someone else. Once registration is complete you will be forwarded to your own dashboard. You are then free to logout and then select
Register button again to register a new participant. You must go through the entire process again.
How do I change my contact information?
You can change your contact information in your fundraising dashboard by logging in and clicking
Profile on the left-hand menu. Or you can contact our events team at
events@wwfcanada.org or 416-484-7700. We will be glad to assist you.
I've already registered, how do I log in?
To login to your fundraising dashboard, go to
and choose
Climbless Climb. From here you can enter your username and password on the left-hand side menu. If you've forgotten your login information, don't worry! You can click the
Forgot your username or password? link just below where you sign in. Follow the instructions, and an email will be sent to you with your login information.
Check out our Login FAQs if you require additional help.
What if I do not receive confirmation of my registration?
If you do not receive a confirmation email from WWF-Canada to verify that you have successfully registered, first double check the email address that you provided and check your spam folder.
If there is still no confirmation, please contact our events team at events@wwfcanada.org or 416-484-7700. We will be glad to assist you.
What does WWF use my personal information for, including my email address?
WWF-Canada will use the information gathered for the purpose of processing your registration, issuing tax receipts (as applicable), providing periodic conservation updates, as well as opportunities to support WWF's mission. We will not use your personal information for any other purposes, without your further consent.
Why should I donate to WWF-Canada?
When you give generously today, you are a partner in WWF-Canada's important conservation work. Your gift will be carefully invested to make the maximum impact to species and the habitats they call home on behalf of Canada's climate, water and people. You can help conserve ecological treasures such as the Great Bear Rainforest, one of the richest and most productive ecosystems on Earth.
By resting up to fundraise you can help our planet while having fun! Make the Climbless Climb your tradition every spring!
Steps to donate:
- Search for a friend to donate to (go to wwf.ca/cntower and choose the event they are registered in, from here you can find the Sponsor a Participant link on the right-hand menu of every page). Enter all or part of the name you are searching for and click Search. If you want to search the full list of registered fundraisers, leave the text box empty and click Search.
- From the search list, click the name of the person you want to donate to. This will take you to their personal fundraising page. Click the Donate Now button on the right-hand side to start the donation process.
- On the donation form, enter your contact information, as well as, your credit card information and click the Continue button.
- Your donation will be processed and you will receive an email acknowledging your donation.
- You will receive your tax receipt by email within five business days.
Search for someone to sponsor now!
What to do if I can't find a participant using the search?
If you can't find the participant you're looking for, check with them to ensure they are registered online. Some participants choose to not appear in the search, if this is the case they should be able to provide you with a direct link to their personal fundraising page.
What is the best way for people to sponsor the event?
Online donations are by far the best method. Our website is secure and your sponsors will have access to their e-receipts within five business days. Your personal fundraising page will register new donations as soon as they have been made online.
What do I do with cash donations?
Do not mail cash donations!!
For cash (or cheques made out to you), simply donate to your own campaign and keep the cash. Go to your personal fundraising page and click the Donate Now button. During the donation process make sure to put in your sponsor's information and use your own credit card. By entering your sponsor's email address, they will get their tax receipt immediately.
For money orders or cheques (made payable to 'WWF-Canada'), you can mail in these donations with a pledge form to the address below.
- If you choose this option, WWF greatly appreciates if you log into your personal fundraising page on the left-hand menu. Once you are logged in, click Manage Cash and Cheques on the left-hand menu. From here you can enter your donor's information as a pledge, which shows all of your fundraising on your personal fundraising page (online and offline donations) and helps keep administrative costs down for WWF.
What amount do I need to donate to get a tax receipt?
All donations of $20 or more will get automatically receipted. Upon special request, a tax receipt for smaller amounts can be issued. Please ensure that complete addresses are included either online or on the pledge form and if submitting a pledge form please ensure the writing is legible.
Please contact WWF-Canada at 1-800-26-PANDA (72632) if you would like to receive a tax receipt for donations under $20.
How will I obtain my tax receipts?
Online donations will be issued with an e-receipt within five business days of a successful transaction. Please make sure you've provided us with a valid email address. Offline donations will be receipted by mail by June 30, 2014 at the latest.
What should I do if I have not received a tax receipt?
Please contact our events team at events@wwfcanada.org or 1-800-26-PANDA (72632). We will be glad to assist you.
How secure is this site?
Our site is secured by 128-bit encryption - the highest level of protection widely used today - to protect all of your Internet communications, including credit card use and personal information. Your web browser will encrypt information automatically when it is connected to a secure server, evidenced by an address beginning with ‘https.' The server decrypts the text upon its arrival, but as the information travels between computers, interception of the transmission will not be fruitful to anyone who may be ‘listening in,' they would only see unreadable gibberish.
What does WWF use my personal information for, including my email address?
WWF-Canada will use the information gathered for the purpose of processing your registration, issuing tax receipts (as applicable), providing periodic conservation updates, as well as opportunities to support WWF's mission. We will not use your personal information for any other purposes, without your further consent.
If I make a donation to myself (self sponsor) will I receive a tax receipt and be eligible for fundraising rewards as well?
In compliance with CRA guidelines, if you choose to receive a benefit for your donation, as is the case with fundraising rewards, you may not be eligible for a tax receipt. To ensure that you are eligible for fundraising rewards and receive a tax receipt, please donate to another participant.
What are some examples of receiving fundraising rewards for self sponsorship and being eligible for a tax receipt?
- When the self donation is below $2,500 and does not qualify for fundraising rewards greater than $75, a receipt for the full donation amount is issued. This meets the CRA requirement of the benefit received being less than or equal to 10% of the donated amount, and being less than or equal to $75.
- For a participant who self donates $2,500 or more and would like to receive the attributable level fundraising rewards, the value will be deducted from the receiptable amount.
- For a participant who self donates $2,500 or more and would like to receive a tax receipt for the full amount, the fundraising reward is capped at the $75 value (the advantage being less than 10% of the gift amount and less than and equal to $75).
How do I log in?
To login to your fundraising dashboard, go to
and choose
Climbless Climb. From here you can enter your username and password on the left-hand side menu. If you've forgotten your login information, don't worry! You can click the
Forgot your username or password? link just below where you sign in. Follow the instructions, and an email will be sent to you with your login information.
What is a fundraising dashboard?
The fundraising dashboard is an easy to use tool to help you track your fundraising progress. You can create a personal fundraising page, invite people to visit your personal fundraising page and sponsor you, see who's sponsored you, thank your sponsors and enter offline donations you've received.
What is a personal fundraising page?
A personal fundraising page is a page you can customize and ask your friends and family to visit when asking for sponsors. Once you register, by default you will have a personal fundraising page created for you. You can customize and personalize it with photos, videos, a progress thermometer and personal messages. You can do this by logging in to your dashboard.
Do I have to use and edit my personal fundraising page?
Once you register online you will have a standard personal fundraising page. You can choose to change and personalize it with photos, videos, a progress thermometer and messages to inspire those driven to your page to sponsor you.
Your personal fundraising page URL
In order to easily check out your personal fundraising page; send yourself an email through the system (using the steps below). This email will include a link to your personal fundraising page. Click on the link and bookmark it for future visits.
Once you login to your personal fundraising page, click Get Sponsors on the left-hand menu under Dashboard. Here there is an email section and WWF-Canada recommends sending this email message to yourself. This message includes your personal fundraising page URL and you can use this message to easily find it for future use and logins.
How do I change my personal fundraising goal?
Your personal fundraising goal is found on your fundraising dashboard, to change this simply log in, go to
Dashboard from the left-hand menu and click the change link beside
Goal. All you have to do is overwrite the value in the box and click
How can I see who has sponsored me?
On your fundraising dashboard click
Thank Sponsors under
Dashboard on the left-hand menu. Here you will find a detailed list of your sponsors and the amounts they have donated to you.
How do I upload a photo to add to my personal page?
Log in to your fundraising dashboard and click Dashboard and scroll down to the
Images and Videos section. Here you can choose to either upload a picture or a video by selecting the appropriate button and choosing the photo from your computer that you would like on your page. You can upload up to five images and videos total.
How do I get friends/family to sponsor me?
- You can send them an email with a link back to your page included. (see the Fundraising FAQs for info on how to send emails through your dashboard)
- Use social media like Facebook and Twitter to share the link to your fundraising page. Share updates with your networks on the status of your fundraising and training to get them engaged and encourage them to sponsor you.
- They can also visit the Canada Life CN Tower Climbless Climb website (wwf.ca/cntower) and click on the Sponsor a Participant link on the right-hand menu. They can then search for your name to find your personal fundraising page.
Check out our quick fundraising tips.
How do I send a personalized email to potential sponsors?
You can solicit donations from this page. Log in to your fundraising dashboard and click
Get Sponsors on the left-hand menu to email someone from your fundraising address book or add a new person to your address book. To add more than one person at a time to your address book, click the
Address Book button above the text box on the right side. Once your recipients have been chosen, you can personalize your message. You can also preview your message before you send it.
If you require assistance please contact our events team at events@wwfcanada.org or call us at 416-484-7700 or toll free at 1-800-26-PANDA (72632). We will be glad to assist you.